
Controlled polymerisation and purification of branched poly(lactic acid) surfactants in supercritical carbon dioxide

A. Goddard, S. Perez-Nieto, T.M. Passos, B.  Quilty, K. Carmichael, D.J. Irvine, S.M. Howdle, Green Chemistry 2016, 18, 4772 – 4786
(doi: 10.1039/C6GC00745G)

05 Dec 2016

An ARXPS and ERXPS Study of Quaternary Ammonium and Phosphonium Ionic Liquids: Utilising a High Energy Ag L' X-ray Source

R. K. Blundell, A. E. Delorme, E. F. Smith and P. Licence, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016 (doi: 10.1039/C5CP07089A)

25 Nov 2016

Hydrodynamics of the VanA-type VanS histidine kinase: an extended solution conformation and first evidence for interactions with vancomycin

M.. Phillips-Jones, G.Channell, C.J. Kelsall, C.S. Hughes, A.E. Ashroft, S.G. Patching, V.Dinu, R.P. Gillis, G.G. Adams and S.E.Harding, Nature Scientific Reports 7, 46108. (doi:10.1038/srep46180)

11 Apr 2016